getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this); // Loading from config $this->elevator = Item::fromString($this->getConfig()->get("ElevatorBlock")); if(!($this->elevator instanceof ItemBlock)) { $this->getLogger()->warning("Invalid block provided as elevator."); $this->elevator = Item::get(139); } $this->speed = Item::fromString($this->getConfig()->get("SpeedBlock")); if(!($this->elevator instanceof ItemBlock)) { $this->getLogger()->warning("Invalid block provided as speed block."); $this->elevator = Item::get(79); } $this->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleRepeatingTask(new tasks\FastingTask($this), 5); } public function onLoad(){ $this->saveDefaultConfig(); } /* Tests when a player sneaks @param $event \pocketmine\event\player\PlayerToggleSneakEvent @return void */ public function onPlayerSneak(PlayerToggleSneakEvent $event) { $b = $event->getPlayer()->getLevel()->getBlock(new \pocketmine\math\Vector3(round($event->getPlayer()->x), floor($event->getPlayer()->y - 1), round($event->getPlayer()->z))); if($b->getId() == $this->elevator->getId() && $b->getDamage() == $this->elevator->getDamage() && $event->isSneaking()) { // Checking if the player is sneaking on the block set as elevator. $bl = $this->getBlockUnder($b); if(!is_null($bl) && !$this->hasFreeSpace($bl)) { while(!is_null($bl) && !$this->hasFreeSpace($bl)) { $bl = $this->getBlockUnder($bl); } } if(!is_null($bl)) { // A elevator under exists // $this->getLogger()->debug("Down " . $bl->y); $event->getPlayer()->teleport(new \pocketmine\math\Vector3($bl->x, $bl->y + 1.5, $bl->z)); $this->setCooldown($event->getPlayer()); $event->getPlayer()->getLevel()->addSound(new \pocketmine\level\sound\EndermanTeleportSound($event->getPlayer())); } } } /* Check when a player jumps @param $event \pocketmine\event\player\PlayerMoveEvent @return void */ public function onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent $event) { $b = $event->getPlayer()->getLevel()->getBlock(new \pocketmine\math\Vector3(round($event->getFrom()->x), floor($event->getFrom()->y - 1), round($event->getFrom()->z))); if($b->getId() == $this->elevator->getId() && $b->getDamage() == $this->elevator->getDamage() && $event->getTo()->y > $event->getFrom()->y) { // Checking if the player is sneaking on the block set as elevator. $this->getLogger()->debug($event->getFrom() . "/" . $event->getTo()); $bl = $this->getBlockAbove($b); if(!is_null($bl) && !$this->hasFreeSpace($bl)) { while(!is_null($bl) && !$this->hasFreeSpace($bl)) { $bl = $this->getBlockAbove($bl); } } if(!is_null($bl) && !isset($this->cancelUpAfterDown[$event->getPlayer()->getName()])) { // A elevator above exists // $this->getLogger()->debug("Up" . $bl->y); $event->setTo(new \pocketmine\level\Location($bl->x, $bl->y + 1.5, $bl->z)); $this->setCooldown($event->getPlayer()); $event->getPlayer()->getLevel()->addSound(new \pocketmine\level\sound\EndermanTeleportSound($event->getPlayer())); } } } /* _ ____ ___ / \ | _ \ |_ _| / _ \ | |_) | | | / ___ \ | __/ | | /_/ \_\ |_| |___| */ /* Get blocks under the block provided that have the same id and damage. @param $block pocketmine\block\Block @return pocketmine\block\Block|null */ public function getBlockUnder(\pocketmine\block\Block $b) { for($i = $b->y - 2/* TP atleast under two blocks of the current one*/; $i > 0; $i--) { $block = $b->getLevel()->getBlock(new \pocketmine\math\Vector3($b->x, $i, $b->z)); if($block->getId() == $b->getId() && $block->getDamage() == $block->getDamage()) return $block; } return null; } /* Get the first block above the block provided that have the same id and damage. @param $block pocketmine\block\Block @return pocketmine\block\Block|null */ public function getBlockAbove(\pocketmine\block\Block $b) { for($i = $b->y + 2/* TP atleast above two blocks of the current one*/; $i < 128; $i++) { $block = $b->getLevel()->getBlock(new \pocketmine\math\Vector3($b->x, $i, $b->z)); if($block->getId() == $b->getId() && $block->getDamage() == $block->getDamage()) return $block; } return null; } /* Check if the space above a the provided block has transparent block so the player won't die of suffocation' @param $block pocketmine\block\Block @return bool */ public function hasFreeSpace(\pocketmine\block\Block $b) : bool { $b1 = $b->getLevel()->getBlock(new \pocketmine\math\Vector3($b->x, $b->y + 1, $b->z)); $b2 = $b->getLevel()->getBlock(new \pocketmine\math\Vector3($b->x, $b->y + 2, $b->z)); return $b1->isTransparent() && $b2->isTransparent(); } /* Return a clone of the elevator block @return \pocketmine\block\Block */ public function getElevatorBlock() : \pocketmine\block\Block { return clone $this->elevator; } /* Return a clone of the speeding block @return \pocketmine\block\Block */ public function getSpeedBlock() : \pocketmine\block\Block { return clone $this->speed; } /* Sets a cooldown of using the up & down blocks to a player @param $player Player @return void */ public function setCooldown(Player $player) { $this->cancelUpAfterDown[$player->getName()] = true; $this->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedTask(new tasks\UpCooldownTask($this, $player), 20); } }