jasonwynn10 42a28033ed Compact code and remove unused use statements
Correct PhpDoc comments
All spacing is not the same
Version bump due to new feature and BC breaks
2017-08-01 14:41:59 -04:00

26 rindas
724 B

namespace Ad5001\Elytra\tasks;
use pocketmine\scheduler\PluginTask;
use Ad5001\Elytra\Main;
class AdminGotoTask extends PluginTask {
public function __construct(Main $main) {
public function onRun(int $tick) {
foreach ($this->getOwner()->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers() as $player) {
//Part needed for players to fly upwards
$ref = new \ReflectionClass("pocketmine\\Player");
$prop = $ref->getProperty("gravity");
$prop->setValue($player, 0);
if($player->getMotion()->y !== 0) {
$this->getOwner()->getLogger()->debug("{$player->getName()}'s y motion is {$player->getMotion()->y}");