Merge pull request #5 from jasonwynn10/clean-up

Code Cleanup
This commit is contained in:
Ad5001 2017-08-01 21:16:59 +02:00 committed by GitHub
當前提交 77afc5c638
共有 6 個文件被更改,包括 136 次插入237 次删除



@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
name: Elytra
author: Ad5001
version: 2.0
api: [3.0.0-ALPHA1, 3.0.0, 2.0.0]
author: Ad5001
version: 2.1
- 3.0.0
- 3.0.0-ALPHA7
main: Ad5001\Elytra\Main
description: "Make your elytras your wear MAGIC !"
@ -18,5 +20,4 @@ permissions:
default: op
default: true
default: true


@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
# Welcome to Elytras 2.x.x config !
# Welcome to Elytra 2.x.x config !
# Here configure which block are considered "bouncable", enter their ids.
# Try going on those blocks by usini the elytra and the see the magic.
# Try going on those blocks by using the elytra and the see the magic.
bouncable_blocks: [165, 88]


@ -1,24 +1,11 @@
namespace Ad5001\Elytra;
use pocketmine\item\Armor;
class Elytra extends Armor{
public function __construct($meta = 0, $count = 1){
parent::__construct(444, $meta, $count, "Elytra Wings");
public function getArmorType(){
return Armor::TYPE_CHESTPLATE;
public function getMaxDurability(){
return 431;
public function isChestplate(){
return true;


@ -1,154 +1,128 @@
namespace Ad5001\Elytra;
use pocketmine\command\CommandSender;
use pocketmine\command\Command;
use pocketmine\command\CommandSender;
use pocketmine\event\entity\EntityDamageEvent;
use pocketmine\event\Listener;
use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;
use pocketmine\Server;
use pocketmine\Player;
use pocketmine\event\player\PlayerKickEvent;
use pocketmine\event\player\PlayerMoveEvent;
use pocketmine\event\server\DataPacketReceiveEvent;
use pocketmine\item\Item;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\CompoundTag;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\StringTag;
use pocketmine\utils\BlockIterator;
use pocketmine\item\enchantment\Enchantment;
use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
use pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\PlayerActionPacket;
use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;
use pocketmine\Player;
use pocketmine\utils\TextFormat;
use Ad5001\Elytra\tasks\AdminGotoTask;
class Main extends PluginBase implements Listener {
protected $ops;
protected $ops = [];
Called when the plugin enables
public function onEnable() {
$this->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleRepeatingTask(new AdminGotoTask($this), 10);
public function onEnable() {
$this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this);
$this->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleRepeatingTask(new AdminGotoTask($this), 10);
Item::$list[444] = Elytra::class;
Item::addCreativeItem(new Elytra());
$this->ops = [];
Item::addCreativeItem(new Elytra());
* @priority LOW
* @param EntityDamageEvent $event
public function onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent $event) {
$damaged = $event->getEntity();
if($damaged instanceof Player) {
if($event->getCause() == 4 and $damaged->getInventory()->getChestplate()->getId() == 444) {
Prevent when someone is falling
@param $event \pocketmine\event\entity\EntityDamageEvent
@return null
public function onEntityDamage(\pocketmine\event\entity\EntityDamageEvent $event) {
if($event->getCause() == 4 && $event->getEntity()->getInventory()->getChestplate()->getId() == 444) {
* @priority LOW
* @param PlayerKickEvent $event
public function onPlayerKick(PlayerKickEvent $event) {
if(strpos(strtolower($event->getReason()), "flying") !== false and $event->getPlayer()->getInventory()->getChestplate()->getId() == 444) {
* @priority LOW
* @param PlayerMoveEvent $event
public function onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent $event) {
$player = $event->getPlayer();
if($player->getInventory()->getChestplate()->getId() == 444) {
$flyingUp = false;
// TODO: change Bounding Box of player depending on their angle of flight
for($i = 2; $i > 0; $i--) {
if($player->getLevel()->getBlock(new Vector3(round($player->x), round($player->y) - $i, round($player->z)))->getId() !== 0) {
$flyingUp = true;
if(isset($this->ops[$player->getName()]) and $flyingUp) {
$player->setMotion(new Vector3($player->getMotion()->x, 3, $player->getMotion()->z));
$flyingUp = false;
for($i = 4; $i > 0; $i--) {
$id = $player->getLevel()->getBlock(new Vector3 (round($player->x), round($player->y) - $i, round($player->z)))->getId();
if(in_array($id, $this->getConfig()->get("bouncable_blocks",[]))) {
$flyingUp = true;
if($flyingUp) {
$player->setMotion(new Vector3($player->getMotion()->x, 3, $player->getMotion()->z));
Prevents the player from being kicked of flyign by using the elytras.
@param $event \pocketmine\event\player\PlayerKickEvent
public function onPlayerKick(\pocketmine\event\player\PlayerKickEvent $event) {
if(strpos($event->getReason(), "Flying is not enabled on this server") !== false && $event->getPlayer()->getInventory()->getChestplate()->getId() == 444) {
When a player moves. To make it bounce with elytras.
@param $event \pocketmine\event\player\PlayerMoveEvent
public function onPlayerMove(\pocketmine\event\player\PlayerMoveEvent $event) {
$player = $event->getPlayer();
if($player->getInventory()->getChestplate()->getId() == 444) {
$flyingup = false;
for($i = 2; $i > 0; $i--) {
if($player->getLevel()->getBlock(new \pocketmine\math\Vector3 (round($player->x), round($player->y) - $i, round($player->z)))->getId() !== 0) {
$flyingup = true;
if(isset($this->getAdminsModePlayers()[$player->getName()]) && $flyingup) {
$player->setMotion(new \pocketmine\math\Vector3($player->getMotion()->x, 3, $player->getMotion()->z));
$flyingup = false;
for($i = 4; $i > 0; $i--) {
$id = $player->getLevel()->getBlock(new \pocketmine\math\Vector3 (round($player->x), round($player->y) - $i, round($player->z)))->getId();
if(in_array($id, $this->getConfig()->get("bouncable_blocks"))) {
$flyingup = true;
if($flyingup) {
$player->setMotion(new \pocketmine\math\Vector3($player->getMotion()->x, 3, $player->getMotion()->z));
Called when one of the defined commands of the plugin has been called
@param $sender \pocketmine\command\CommandSender
@param $cmd \pocketmine\command\Command
@param $label mixed
@param $args array
return bool
public function onCommand(\pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, \pocketmine\command\Command $cmd,$label, array $args): bool {
switch($cmd->getName()) {
case "opelytra":
if($sender instanceof Player) {
if(isset($this->ops[$sender->getName()])) {
$sender->sendMessage("§aYou are back to te original elytra !");
} else {
$this->ops[$sender->getName()] = true;
$sender->sendMessage("§aYou are now in the admin elytra mode ! Go try out your powers !");
case "boost":
if($sender instanceof Player && $sender->getInventory()->getChestplate()->getId() == 444) {
if(!isset($args[0])) $args[0] = 2;
$sender->setMotion(new \pocketmine\math\Vector3($sender->getMotion()->x, $args[0], $sender->getMotion()->z));
return false;
Returns players in ADMIN mode
@return array
public function getAdminsModePlayers() : array {
return $this->ops;
public function onDataPacket(DataPacketReceiveEvent $ev) {
$packet = $ev->getPacket();
if($packet instanceof PlayerActionPacket) {
if($packet->action === PlayerActionPacket::ACTION_START_GLIDE) {
$ev->getPlayer()->setDataFlag(Player::DATA_FLAGS, Player::DATA_FLAG_GLIDING, true, Player::DATA_TYPE_BYTE);
}elseif($packet->action === PlayerActionPacket::ACTION_STOP_GLIDE) {
$ev->getPlayer()->setDataFlag(Player::DATA_FLAGS, Player::DATA_FLAG_GLIDING, false, Player::DATA_TYPE_BYTE);
* @param CommandSender $sender
* @param Command $cmd
* @param string $label
* @param array $args
* @return bool
public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $cmd, string $label, array $args) : bool {
switch($cmd->getName()) {
case "opelytra":
if($sender instanceof Player) {
if(isset($this->ops[$sender->getName()])) {
$sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GREEN."You are back to the original elytra!");
} else {
$this->ops[$sender->getName()] = true;
$sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GREEN."You are now in the admin elytra mode! Go try out your powers!");
case "boost":
if($sender instanceof Player and $sender->getInventory()->getChestplate()->getId() == 444) {
if(!isset($args[0])) $args[0] = 2;
$sender->setMotion(new Vector3($sender->getMotion()->x, $args[0], $sender->getMotion()->z));
return false;


@ -1,88 +1,26 @@
namespace Ad5001\Elytra\tasks;
use pocketmine\Server;
use pocketmine\scheduler\PluginTask;
use pocketmine\utils\BlockIterator;
use pocketmine\Player;
use Ad5001\Elytra\Main;
class AdminGotoTask extends PluginTask {
public function __construct(Main $main) {
$this->main = $main;
$this->server = $main->getServer();
public function onRun($tick) {
foreach ($this->server->getOnlinePlayers() as $player) {
//Part needed for player's good working
$ref = new \ReflectionClass("pocketmine\\Player");
$prop = $ref->getProperty("gravity");
$prop->setValue($player, 0);
if($player->getMotion()->y !== 0) {
// echo "{$player->getName()}:" . $player->getMotion()->y . "\n";
Inverts a number
@param $num int
@return int
public function invert(int $num) : int {
if($num < 0) {
echo $num . " +> " . abs($num) . "\n";
return abs($num);
} else {
echo $num . " -> " . -$num . "\n";
return -$num;
return 0;
public function __construct(Main $main) {
public function onRun(int $tick) {
foreach ($this->getOwner()->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers() as $player) {
//Part needed for players to fly upwards
$ref = new \ReflectionClass("pocketmine\\Player");
$prop = $ref->getProperty("gravity");
$prop->setValue($player, 0);
if($player->getMotion()->y !== 0) {
$this->getOwner()->getLogger()->debug("{$player->getName()}'s y motion is {$player->getMotion()->y}");