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* BetterNormal from BetterGen
* Copyright (C) Ad5001 2017
* Licensed under the BoxOfDevs Public General LICENSE which can be found in the file LICENSE in the root directory
* @author ad5001
namespace Ad5001\BetterGen\generator;
use pocketmine\level\ChunkManager;
use pocketmine\utils\Random;
use pocketmine\level\generator\biome\Biome;
use pocketmine\level\generator\Generator;
use pocketmine\level\generator\noise\Simplex;
use pocketmine\level\generator\object\OreType;
use pocketmine\level\generator\populator\GroundCover;
use pocketmine\level\generator\populator\Ore;
use pocketmine\block\Block;
use pocketmine\block\CoalOre;
use pocketmine\block\DiamondOre;
use pocketmine\block\Dirt;
use pocketmine\block\GoldOre;
use pocketmine\block\Gravel;
use pocketmine\block\IronOre;
use pocketmine\block\LapisOre;
use pocketmine\block\RedstoneOre;
use pocketmine\level\Level;
use Ad5001\BetterGen\biome\BetterForest;
use Ad5001\BetterGen\biome\BetterDesert;
use Ad5001\BetterGen\biome\BetterIcePlains;
use Ad5001\BetterGen\biome\BetterMesa;
use Ad5001\BetterGen\biome\BetterMesaPlains;
use Ad5001\BetterGen\biome\BetterRiver;
use Ad5001\BetterGen\biome\Mountainable;
use Ad5001\BetterGen\populator\CavePopulator;
use Ad5001\BetterGen\populator\RavinePopulator;
use Ad5001\BetterGen\populator\LakePopulator;
use Ad5001\BetterGen\populator\MineshaftPopulator;
use Ad5001\BetterGen\populator\FloatingIslandPopulator;
class BetterNormal extends Generator {
protected $selector;
protected $level;
protected $random;
protected $populators = [ ];
protected $generationPopulators = [ ];
public static $biomes = [ ];
public static $biomeById = [ ];
public static $levels = [ ];
protected static $GAUSSIAN_KERNEL = null; // From main class
protected static $SMOOTH_SIZE = 2;
protected $waterHeight = 63;
* Picks a biome by X and Z
* @param $x int
* @param $z int
* @return Biome
public function pickBiome($x, $z) {
$hash = $x * 2345803 ^ $z * 9236449 ^ $this->level->getSeed ();
$hash *= $hash + 223;
$xNoise = $hash >> 20 & 3;
$zNoise = $hash >> 22 & 3;
if ($xNoise == 3) {
$xNoise = 1;
if ($zNoise == 3) {
$zNoise = 1;
$b = $this->selector->pickBiome ( $x + $xNoise - 1, $z + $zNoise - 1 );
if ($b instanceof Mountainable && $this->random->nextBoundedInt ( 1000 ) < 3) {
$b = clone $b;
$b->setElevation ( $b->getMinElevation () + (50 * $b->getMinElevation () / 100), $b->getMaxElevation () + (50 * $b->getMinElevation () / 100) );
return $b;
public function init(ChunkManager $level, Random $random) {
$this->level = $level;
$this->random = $random;
self::$levels [] = $level;
$this->random->setSeed ( $this->level->getSeed () );
$this->noiseBase = new Simplex ( $this->random, 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 32 );
$this->random->setSeed ( $this->level->getSeed () );
$this->registerBiome ( Biome::getBiome ( Biome::OCEAN ) );
$this->registerBiome ( Biome::getBiome ( Biome::PLAINS ) );
$this->registerBiome ( new BetterDesert () );
$this->registerBiome ( new BetterMesa () );
$this->registerBiome ( new BetterMesaPlains () );
$this->registerBiome ( Biome::getBiome ( Biome::TAIGA ) );
$this->registerBiome ( Biome::getBiome ( Biome::SWAMP ) );
$this->registerBiome ( new BetterRiver () );
$this->registerBiome ( new BetterIcePlains () );
$this->registerBiome ( new BetterForest ( 0, [
] ) );
$this->registerBiome ( new BetterForest ( 1, [
] ) );
$this->registerBiome ( new BetterForest ( 2, [
] ) );
$this->selector = new BetterBiomeSelector ( $random, [
], self::getBiome ( 0, 0 ) );
foreach ( self::$biomes as $rain ) {
foreach ( $rain as $biome ) {
$this->selector->addBiome ( $biome );
$this->selector->recalculate ();
$cover = new GroundCover ();
$this->generationPopulators [] = $cover;
$cave = new CavePopulator ();
$cave->setBaseAmount ( 0 );
$cave->setRandomAmount ( 2 );
$this->populators [] = $cave;
$ravine = new RavinePopulator ();
$ravine->setBaseAmount ( 0 );
$ravine->setRandomAmount ( 51 );
$this->populators [] = $ravine;
$mineshaft = new MineshaftPopulator ();
$mineshaft->setBaseAmount ( 0 );
$mineshaft->setRandomAmount ( 102 );
$this->populators [] = $mineshaft;
$lake = new LakePopulator ();
$lake->setBaseAmount ( 0 );
$lake->setRandomAmount ( 1 );
$this->generationPopulators [] = $lake;
$fisl = new FloatingIslandPopulator();
$fisl->setBaseAmount ( 0 );
$fisl->setRandomAmount ( 132 );
$this->populators [] = $fisl;
$ores = new Ore ();
$ores->setOreTypes ( [
new OreType ( new CoalOre (), 20, 16, 0, 128 ),
new OreType ( new IronOre (), 20, 8, 0, 64 ),
new OreType ( new RedstoneOre (), 8, 7, 0, 16 ),
new OreType ( new LapisOre (), 1, 6, 0, 32 ),
new OreType ( new GoldOre (), 2, 8, 0, 32 ),
new OreType ( new DiamondOre (), 1, 7, 0, 16 ),
new OreType ( new Dirt (), 20, 32, 0, 128 ),
new OreType ( new Gravel (), 10, 16, 0, 128 )
] );
$this->populators [] = $ores;
* Adds a biome to the selector. Do not use this method directly use Main::registerBiome which registers it properly
* @param $biome Biome
* @return bool
public static function registerBiome(Biome $biome): bool {
foreach ( self::$levels as $lvl )
if (isset ( $lvl->selector ))
$lvl->selector->addBiome ( $biome ); // If no selector created, it would cause errors. These will be added when selectoes
if (! isset ( self::$biomes [( string ) $biome->getRainfall ()] ))
self::$biomes [( string ) $biome->getRainfall ()] = [ ];
self::$biomes [( string ) $biome->getRainfall ()] [( string ) $biome->getTemperature ()] = $biome;
ksort ( self::$biomes [( string ) $biome->getRainfall ()] );
ksort ( self::$biomes );
self::$biomeById[$biome->getId()] = $biome;
return true;
* Returns a biome by temperature
* @param $temperature float
* @param $rainfall float
public static function getBiome($temperature, $rainfall) {
if (! isset ( self::$biomes [( string ) round ( $rainfall, 1 )] )) {
while ( ! isset ( self::$biomes [( string ) round ( $rainfall, 1 )] ) ) {
if (abs ( $rainfall - round ( $rainfall, 1 ) ) >= 0.05)
$rainfall += 0.1;
if (abs ( $rainfall - round ( $rainfall, 1 ) ) < 0.05)
$rainfall -= 0.1;
if (round ( $rainfall, 1 ) < 0)
$rainfall = 0;
if (round ( $rainfall, 1 ) >= 0.9)
$rainfall = 0.9;
$b = self::$biomes [( string ) round ( $rainfall, 1 )];
foreach ( $b as $t => $biome ) {
if ($temperature <= ( float ) $t) {
$ret = $biome;
if (is_string ( $ret )) {
$ret = new $ret ();
} else {
return $ret;
* Returns a biome by its id
* @param $id int
* @return Biome
public function getBiomeById(int $id): Biome {
return self::$biomeById[$id] ?? self::$biomeById(Biome::OCEAN);
* Generates a chunk.
* Cloning method to make it work with new methods.
* @param $chunkX int
* @param $chunkZ int
public function generateChunk($chunkX, $chunkZ) {
$this->reRegisterBiomes ();
$this->random->setSeed ( 0xdeadbeef ^ ($chunkX << 8) ^ $chunkZ ^ $this->level->getSeed () );
$noise = Generator::getFastNoise3D ( $this->noiseBase, 16, 128, 16, 4, 8, 4, $chunkX * 16, 0, $chunkZ * 16 );
$chunk = $this->level->getChunk ( $chunkX, $chunkZ );
$biomeCache = [ ];
for($x = 0; $x < 16; ++ $x) {
for($z = 0; $z < 16; ++ $z) {
$minSum = 0;
$maxSum = 0;
$weightSum = 0;
$biome = $this->pickBiome ( $chunkX * 16 + $x, $chunkZ * 16 + $z );
$chunk->setBiomeId ( $x, $z, $biome->getId () );
for($sx = - self::$SMOOTH_SIZE; $sx <= self::$SMOOTH_SIZE; ++ $sx) {
for($sz = - self::$SMOOTH_SIZE; $sz <= self::$SMOOTH_SIZE; ++ $sz) {
$weight = self::$GAUSSIAN_KERNEL [$sx + self::$SMOOTH_SIZE] [$sz + self::$SMOOTH_SIZE];
if ($sx === 0 and $sz === 0) {
$adjacent = $biome;
} else {
$index = Level::chunkHash ( $chunkX * 16 + $x + $sx, $chunkZ * 16 + $z + $sz );
if (isset ( $biomeCache [$index] )) {
$adjacent = $biomeCache [$index];
} else {
$biomeCache [$index] = $adjacent = $this->pickBiome ( $chunkX * 16 + $x + $sx, $chunkZ * 16 + $z + $sz );
$minSum += ($adjacent->getMinElevation () - 1) * $weight;
$maxSum += $adjacent->getMaxElevation () * $weight;
$weightSum += $weight;
$minSum /= $weightSum;
$maxSum /= $weightSum;
$smoothHeight = ($maxSum - $minSum) / 2;
for($y = 0; $y < 128; ++ $y) {
if ($y < 3 || ($y < 5 && $this->random->nextBoolean ())) {
$chunk->setBlockId ( $x, $y, $z, Block::BEDROCK );
$noiseValue = $noise [$x] [$z] [$y] - 1 / $smoothHeight * ($y - $smoothHeight - $minSum);
if ($noiseValue > 0) {
$chunk->setBlockId ( $x, $y, $z, Block::STONE );
} elseif ($y <= $this->waterHeight) {
$chunk->setBlockId ( $x, $y, $z, Block::STILL_WATER );
foreach ( $this->generationPopulators as $populator ) {
$populator->populate ( $this->level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, $this->random );
* Populates a chunk.
* @param $chunkX int
* @param $chunk2 int
public function populateChunk($chunkX, $chunkZ) {
$this->random->setSeed ( 0xdeadbeef ^ ($chunkX << 8) ^ $chunkZ ^ $this->level->getSeed () );
foreach ( $this->populators as $populator ) {
$populator->populate ( $this->level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, $this->random );
// Filling lava (lakes & rivers underground)...
for($x = $chunkX; $x < $chunkX + 16; $x ++)
for($z = $chunkZ; $z < $chunkZ + 16; $z ++)
for($y = 1; $y < 11; $y ++) {
if (! in_array ( $this->level->getBlockIdAt ( $x, $y, $z ), self::NOT_OVERWRITABLE ))
$this->level->setBlockIdAt ( $x, $y, $z, Block::LAVA );
$chunk = $this->level->getChunk ( $chunkX, $chunkZ );
$biome = Biome::getBiome ( $chunk->getBiomeId ( 7, 7 ) );
$biome->populateChunk ( $this->level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, $this->random );
* Constructs the class
* @param $options array
public function __construct(array $options = []) {
if (self::$GAUSSIAN_KERNEL === null) {
self::generateKernel ();
* Generates the genration kernel based on smooth size (here 2)
private static function generateKernel() {
self::$GAUSSIAN_KERNEL = [ ];
$bellSize = 1 / self::$SMOOTH_SIZE;
$bellHeight = 2 * self::$SMOOTH_SIZE;
for($sx = - self::$SMOOTH_SIZE; $sx <= self::$SMOOTH_SIZE; ++ $sx) {
self::$GAUSSIAN_KERNEL [$sx + self::$SMOOTH_SIZE] = [ ];
for($sz = - self::$SMOOTH_SIZE; $sz <= self::$SMOOTH_SIZE; ++ $sz) {
$bx = $bellSize * $sx;
$bz = $bellSize * $sz;
self::$GAUSSIAN_KERNEL [$sx + self::$SMOOTH_SIZE] [$sz + self::$SMOOTH_SIZE] = $bellHeight * exp ( - ($bx * $bx + $bz * $bz) / 2 );
//  Returns the name of the generator
public function getName() {
return "betternormal";
* Gives the generators settings.
* @return array
public function getSettings(): array {
return [ ];
public function getSpawn() {
return new Vector3 ( 127.5, 128, 127.5 );
* Returns a safe spawn location
public function getSafeSpawn() {
return new Vector3 ( 127.5, $this->getHighestWorkableBlock ( 127, 127 ), 127.5 );
* Gets the top block (y) on an x and z axes
* @param $x int
* @param $z int
protected function getHighestWorkableBlock($x, $z) {
for($y = 127; $y > 0; -- $y) {
$b = $this->level->getBlockIdAt ( $x, $y, $z );
if ($b === Block::DIRT or $b === Block::GRASS or $b === Block::PODZOL) {
} elseif ($b !== 0 and $b !== Block::SNOW_LAYER) {
return - 1;
return ++ $y;
* Re registers all biomes for async
public function reRegisterBiomes() {
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass ( 'pocketmine\\level\\generator\\biome\\Biome' );
$register = $reflection->getMethod ( 'register' );
$register->setAccessible ( true );
foreach ( self::$biomes as $rainfall => $arr ) {
foreach ( $arr as $tmp => $biome ) {
$register->invoke ( null, $biome->getId (), $biome );