Add custom swamp biomes #19

открыта 2018-07-16 11:42:18 +00:00 Ad5001 · комментариев: 0
Ad5001 прокомментировал(а) 2018-07-16 11:42:18 +00:00

Original issue #35 by jasonwynn10 created at 2017-11-18T18:07:31Z

I may be incorrect in saying this, but I'm pretty sure that swamp biomes have trees and lily pads. This is just a lake with the incorrect biome...
screenshot 90

Original issue [#35]( by [jasonwynn10]( created at 2017-11-18T18:07:31Z I may be incorrect in saying this, but I'm pretty sure that swamp biomes have trees and lily pads. This is just a lake with the incorrect biome... ![screenshot 90](
Ad5001 назначил(а) на себя 2018-07-16 11:42:18 +00:00
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