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2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
* LootTable from BetterGen
* Copyright (C) Ad5001 2017
* Licensed under the BoxOfDevs Public General LICENSE which can be found in the file LICENSE in the root directory
* @author ad5001
namespace Ad5001\BetterGen\loot;
use pocketmine\utils\Config;
use pocketmine\utils\Random;
use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
use pocketmine\item\Item;
use pocketmine\inventory\BaseInventory;
use pocketmine\nbt\NBT;
* This class is used for loot setting.
* Please note that they AREN'T as powerfull as PC ones due to some implementations limitations.
* Loot table format:
* {
* "max": Max number of loots (storable amount)
* "example": {
* "percentage": Chance of appearing(in percent)
* "minCount": Minimal count
* "maxCount": Maximal count
* "id": Id of the item
* "data": Item damage
* "tags": {"display": {"Name": "Example NBT data"}}. This parameter is optionnal
* "minStacks": If choosen, the minimum amount of stacks that can be found
* "maxStacks": If choosen the maximum number of stacks that can be choosen
* }
* }
class LootTable {
const LOOT_NAMES = [
const LOOT_SAVE = [
const LOOT_IGLOO = 1;
* Asyncronous loot table choosing
* @param $place pocketmine\math\Vector3
* @param $type int
* @param $random pocketmine\utils\Random
* @return void
public static function buildLootTable(Vector3 $place, int $type, Random $random) {
if($place->y < 1) return; // Making sure sometimes that it doesn't write for nothing
$cfg = new Config(self::getPluginFolder() . "processingLoots.json", Config::JSON);
$lootsFromJson = json_decode(file_get_contents(self::getResourcesFolder() . "loots/" . self::LOOT_NAMES[$type] . ".json"), true);
$loots =[];
foreach($lootsFromJson as $loot) {
if(is_array($loot) && $random->nextBoundedInt(101) < $loot["percentage"])
$loots[] = $loot;
if($lootsFromJson["max"] < count($loots)) {
while($lootsFromJson["max"] < count($loots))
$loots["saveAs"] = self::LOOT_SAVE[$type];
$cfg->set($place->x . ";" . $place->y . ";" . $place->z, $loots);
* Syncronous inventory filling with loot table.
* @param $inv pocketmine\inventory\BaseInventory
* @param $pos pocketmine\math\Vector3
* @return void
public static function fillChest(BaseInventory $inv, Vector3 $pos) {
$cfg = new Config(self::getPluginFolder() . "processingLoots.json", Config::JSON);
if($cfg->exists($pos->x . ";" . $pos->y . ";" . $pos->z)) {
$loots = $cfg->get($pos->x . ";" . $pos->y . ";" . $pos->z);
$items = [];
foreach($loots as $loot) {
if(!is_array($loot)) continue;
$randCount = rand($loot["minStacks"], $loot["maxStacks"]);
for($i = 0; $i <= $randCount; $i++) {
$rand = rand(0, count($loots));
$items[$rand] = Item::get($loot["id"], $loot["data"], rand($loot["minCount"], $loot["maxCount"]));
if(isset($loot["tags"])) $items[$rand]->setCompoundTag(NBT::fromJSON($loot["tags"]));
$cfg->remove($pos->x . ";" . $pos->y . ";" . $pos->z);
* Returns the plugins folder.
* @return string
public static function getPluginFolder(): string {
$dir = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, __DIR__);
$c = count($dir);
unset($dir[$c - 1], $dir[$c - 2], $dir[$c - 3], $dir[$c - 4], $dir[$c - 5]);
return str_ireplace("phar://", "", implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $dir)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "BetterGen" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
* Returns the resources folder.
* @return string
public static function getResourcesFolder(): string {
$dir = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, __DIR__);
$c = count($dir);
unset($dir[$c - 1], $dir[$c - 2], $dir[$c - 3], $dir[$c - 4]);
return str_ireplace("phar://", "", implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $dir)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "resources" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;