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2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
* ____ __ __ ____
* /\ _`\ /\ \__ /\ \__ /\ _`\
* \ \ \L\ \ __ \ \ ,_\\ \ ,_\ __ _ __ \ \ \L\_\ __ ___
* \ \ _ <' /'__`\\ \ \/ \ \ \/ /'__`\/\`'__\\ \ \L_L /'__`\ /' _ `\
* \ \ \L\ \/\ __/ \ \ \_ \ \ \_ /\ __/\ \ \/ \ \ \/, \/\ __/ /\ \/\ \
* \ \____/\ \____\ \ \__\ \ \__\\ \____\\ \_\ \ \____/\ \____\\ \_\ \_\
* \/___/ \/____/ \/__/ \/__/ \/____/ \/_/ \/___/ \/____/ \/_/\/_/
* Tomorrow's pocketmine generator.
2017-05-14 18:13:15 +00:00
* @author Ad5001 <>, XenialDan <>
* @link
2017-05-14 18:13:15 +00:00
* @category World Generator
* @api 3.0.0
* @version 1.1
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
namespace Ad5001\BetterGen\utils;
use pocketmine\block\Block;
use pocketmine\level\ChunkManager;
2017-05-11 12:07:26 +00:00
use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
use pocketmine\utils\Random;
class BuildingUtils {
2017-10-31 14:57:05 +00:00
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
* Fills an area
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param Block $block
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
* @return void
public static function fill(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, Block $block = null) {
2017-11-13 18:49:01 +00:00
if($block == null) $block = Block::get(Block::AIR);
2017-05-13 21:27:10 +00:00
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
2017-11-13 18:49:01 +00:00
for($x = $pos1->x; $x >= $pos2->x; $x--) for($y = $pos1->y; $y >= $pos2->y; $y--) for($z = $pos1->z; $z >= $pos2->z; $z--) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $z, $block->getDamage());
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
* Fills an area randomly
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param Block $block
* @param Random $random
* @param int $randMax
* @return void
public static function fillRandom(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, Block $block = null, Random $random = null, $randMax = 3) {
2017-11-13 18:49:01 +00:00
if($block == null) $block = Block::get(Block::AIR);
2017-05-13 21:27:10 +00:00
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
2017-11-13 18:49:01 +00:00
for($x = $pos1->x; $x >= $pos2->x; $x--) for($y = $pos1->y; $y >= $pos2->y; $y--) for($z = $pos1->z; $z >= $pos2->z; $z--) if($random !== null ? $random->nextBoundedInt($randMax) == 0 : rand(0, $randMax) == 0) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $z, $block->getDamage());
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
* Custom area filling
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param callable $call
* @param array $params
* @return array
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
public static function fillCallback(Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, callable $call, ...$params) : array {
2017-05-13 21:27:10 +00:00
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
$return = [];
2017-11-13 18:49:01 +00:00
for($x = $pos1->x; $x >= $pos2->x; $x--) for($y = $pos1->y; $y >= $pos2->y; $y--) for($z = $pos1->z; $z >= $pos2->z; $z--) {
2017-10-31 22:27:33 +00:00
$return[] = call_user_func($call, new Vector3($x, $y, $z), ...$params);
return $return;
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
* Creates walls
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param Block $block
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
* @return void
public static function walls(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, Block $block) {
2017-05-13 21:27:10 +00:00
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
2017-11-13 18:49:01 +00:00
for($y = $pos1->y; $y >= $pos2->y; $y--) {
for($x = $pos1->x; $x >= $pos2->x; $x--) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $pos1->z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $pos1->z, $block->getDamage());
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $pos2->z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $pos2->z, $block->getDamage());
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
2017-11-13 18:49:01 +00:00
for($z = $pos1->z; $z >= $pos2->z; $z--) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($pos1->x, $y, $z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($pos1->x, $y, $z, $block->getDamage());
$level->setBlockIdAt($pos2->x, $y, $z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($pos2->x, $y, $z, $block->getDamage());
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
* Creates the top of a structure
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param Block $block
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
* @return void
public static function top(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, Block $block) {
2017-05-13 21:27:10 +00:00
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
2017-11-13 18:49:01 +00:00
for($x = $pos1->x; $x >= $pos2->x; $x--)
for($z = $pos1->z; $z >= $pos2->z; $z--) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $pos1->y, $z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $pos1->y, $z, $block->getDamage());
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
* Creates the corners of the structures. Used for mineshaft "towers"
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param Block $block
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
* @return void
public static function corners(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, Block $block) {
2017-05-13 21:27:10 +00:00
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
2017-11-13 18:49:01 +00:00
for($y = $pos1->y; $y >= $pos2->y; $y--) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($pos1->x, $y, $pos1->z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($pos1->x, $y, $pos1->z, $block->getDamage());
$level->setBlockIdAt($pos2->x, $y, $pos1->z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($pos2->x, $y, $pos1->z, $block->getDamage());
$level->setBlockIdAt($pos1->x, $y, $pos2->z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($pos1->x, $y, $pos2->z, $block->getDamage());
$level->setBlockIdAt($pos2->x, $y, $pos2->z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($pos2->x, $y, $pos2->z, $block->getDamage());
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
* Fills the bottom of a structure
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param Block $block
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
* @return void
public static function bottom(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, Block $block) {
2017-05-13 21:27:10 +00:00
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
2017-11-13 18:49:01 +00:00
for($x = $pos1->x; $x >= $pos2->x; $x--)
for($z = $pos1->z; $z >= $pos2->z; $z--) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $pos2->y, $z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $pos2->y, $z, $block->getDamage());
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
* Builds a structure randomly based on a circle algorithm. Used in caves and lakes.
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos
* @param Vector3 $infos
* @param Random $random
* @param Block $block
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
* @return void
2017-05-11 06:35:10 +00:00
public static function buildRandom(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos, Vector3 $infos, Random $random, Block $block) {
2017-05-13 21:27:10 +00:00
$xBounded = $random->nextBoundedInt(3) - 1;
$yBounded = $random->nextBoundedInt(3) - 1;
$zBounded = $random->nextBoundedInt(3) - 1;
2017-11-13 18:49:01 +00:00
$pos = $pos->round();
for($x = $pos->x -($infos->x / 2); $x <= $pos->x +($infos->x / 2); $x++) {
for($y = $pos->y -($infos->y / 2); $y <= $pos->y +($infos->y / 2); $y++) {
for($z = $pos->z -($infos->z / 2); $z <= $pos->z +($infos->z / 2); $z++) {
// if(abs((abs($x) - abs($pos->x)) ** 2 +($y - $pos->y) ** 2 +(abs($z) - abs($pos->z)) ** 2) <(abs($infos->x / 2 + $xBounded) + abs($infos->y / 2 + $yBounded) + abs($infos->z / 2 + $zBounded)) ** 2
if(abs((abs($x) - abs($pos->x)) ** 2 +($y - $pos->y) ** 2 +(abs($z) - abs($pos->z)) ** 2) <((($infos->x / 2 - $xBounded) +($infos->y / 2 - $yBounded) +($infos->z / 2 - $zBounded)) / 3) ** 2 && $y > 0 && ! in_array($level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z), self::TO_NOT_OVERWRITE) && ! in_array($level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y + 1, $z), self::TO_NOT_OVERWRITE)) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, $block->getId());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $z, $block->getDamage());
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
2017-05-14 19:03:47 +00:00
* Returns two Vector three, the biggest and lowest ones based on two provided vectors
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
* @return array
2017-11-13 18:49:01 +00:00
public static function minmax(Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2): array {
2017-05-13 21:27:10 +00:00
$v1 = new Vector3(max($pos1->x, $pos2->x), max($pos1->y, $pos2->y), max($pos1->z, $pos2->z));
$v2 = new Vector3(min($pos1->x, $pos2->x), min($pos1->y, $pos2->y), min($pos1->z, $pos2->z));
2017-04-23 14:42:51 +00:00
return [
2017-10-31 14:57:05 +00:00