# BashOOP This idea was inspired from https://stackoverflow.com/a/40981277 in order to be adapted into making a proper OOP with constructors, properties and namespace system for bash. ## Reference: - .shn: **SH**ell **N**amespace - .shc: **SH**ell **C**lass ## Syntax: To declare objects, there exists 3 scripts. - The main script in which we'll use our object (suggested extension: `.sh`) - The namespace declaration script (suggested extension: `.shn`) - The class declaration script (suggested extension: `.shc`) The full example is available in the "example" directory. ### Declaring objects. An object has a type name, properties and functions. To declare a property, you can use the `property` function. For example, for an class named `Object`, you can declare a property name using: ```bash property Object.name ``` **NOTE**: Bash doesn't have a typing system, so you cannot set property types. You can also set default values by adding a property after the declaration, e.g: ```bash property Object.name "Example" ``` Class functions are declared the same way you would in bash, except it uses a prefix with object type. For example: ```bash Object.print() { echo "Example OOP from $(this.name)!" } ``` As you can see here, you can access properties of the object using the `this` keyword in a function call. Similarly, you can set properties using a `=` and value argument. For example: ```bash this.name = "New name" ``` Objects can also have constructors which will be called at the creation of the object with arguments provided at the creation. They are simply a function with the name `constructor`. They aren't mandatory for any object. ### Creating a namespace. While you can import objects directly in the global namespace, it's recommanded to use a separate namespace file. When you've created your namespace file, you can specify the name of the namespace using the `namespace` keyword: ```bash namespace Example ``` You can then declare object classes using the `class` directive by specifying it's name and associated script file. For example: ```bash class Object "Object.shc" ``` All objects created under this class will be accessible with namespace as prefix (here our Object class would be accessible under `Example.Object`). Similarly, static classes can be declared using the `static_class` keyword. ```bash static_class Static "Static.shc" ``` **NOTE**: Static classes can't have properties. However, you can declare "namespace properties" using first the `createPropertyHolder` and then declare properties directly in the namespace file like this: ```bash createPropertyHolder Example property Example.name ``` ### Using objects. Now that we've created our namespace, we will want to use it and our objects in our script. First things first, we'll want to import the library `oop.sh`. Depending on where it's located, you will want to use a global variable indicating it's location. ```bash . $OOP_ROOT/oop.sh # Import library. ``` After that, we'll want to import our namespace file with all it's classes prefixed in the namespace name. ```bash importNamespace "Example.shn" ``` After that you can declare the object using the following syntax: ` [constructor arguments...]`. For example: ```bash Example.Object obj1 "Test" ``` You can then call it's functions. ```bash $obj1.print obj1.print ``` **NOTE**: The $ is not mandatory, but is recommanded for clarity. ... or access and edit it's properties. ```bash name=$(obj1.name) obj1.name = "New name" ``` You can store objects in variables as a string. For example, you can have have objects as class arguments, function returs or arrays of objects like this: ```bash Example.Object obj1 "First Object" Example.Object obj2 "Second Object" objs=($obj1 $obj2) ${objs[0]}.print ${objs[1]}.print ``` You can also access the static classes by using their class type directly. For example: ```bash Example.Static.print "Example text" ``` If you find that using the namespace everytime is a bit cumbersome, you can use the `using` keyword to alias all classes of a namespace into the global namespace. Example usage: ```bash using Example Object usingObj "New" $usingObj.print ``` **NOTE**: When `using` a namespace which contains static classes, please note that the static class file will be re-imported. **NOTE**: `using` is not file contextual. So `using` a namespace will use it in every bash script.